
Interview with Equalizer 2 star, Kazy Tauginas

Interview with Equalizer 2 star, Kazy Tauginas

Actor Kazy Tauginas kindly agreed to head up our Awareness Month Campaign for 2018. Kazy is currently appearing in the film Equalizer 2 with Denzel Washington, but has played many tv and film parts. He also writes his own scripts, including ‘Standing Eight’ about a boxer that develops lupus.

Celebrities speak and the World listens.

Celebrities speak and the World listens.

We live a celebrity obsessed world, just take a look at the number of followers they have on twitter/instagram etc to confirm this, when celebrities speak the world listens. If they wear something or do something all the followers sit up and take notice, hence so many brands want to use a celebrity to promote their products.

People follow the daily lives of these people and feel they know them as friends and so who better to give information about health, aren’t friends and family the people we turn to t ask for advice? Some celebrities promote only themselves and their brand, others have used their high profiles for good and to raise awareness of various causes and illnesses.