Angie Davidson, Lupus Trust
Welcome to our new website, as you will have noticed we have also changed our name to the shorter and more memorable, Lupus Trust and have undergone a re-branding treatment, too!
It's our intention to continue to keep you informed about lupus, lupus research and all things related to lupus worldwide.
We are now on the vast majority of social media sites, which means we can bring you as much information as possible, in whichever format you prefer. Links to all our social media are now on this website.
Please also drop by and read this new blog as I will be talking about all things lupus related and sharing personal experiences, we will also have guest bloggers too.
We will continue to forge ahead with our vital lupus research at Guys Hospital in London (information about our talented team and their research is here on the website). The team have a lot of interesting projects that they would like to pursue, but can only do that if they have funding and this is where we rely entirely upon the kindness of donors.
We cannot do this alone, we need your help to keep our extremely talented (and extremely nice!) researchers going and no matter how little you can donate, it all helps us do this. I intend to let you ‘meet the team’ later so do watch out for interviews.
As most people know, I have worked alongside the doctors at the Louise Coote Lupus Unit and the lupus research team for over 15 years and I have also had systemic lupus for over 20 years, so I am happy for anyone to contact me should they need advice. Whether you are a lupus patient, family, friend, colleague of a patient or would just like some information on lupus, I will try to continue to assist with any questions you have.
I'd personally like to thank everyone for everything you have done for us so far. As Professor D'Cruz said in his announcement, these are exciting times (especially for lupus research). We are looking forward to the future with great hope and would like to rely upon your continued support, without which we could not carry on with our research work. Thank you.
Feel free to comment on the site - click the contact button below or if you'd like to join in the social conversation, click the Facebook button below.
Angie Davidson
Lupus Trust