Study Finds No Causal Link Between Alcohol Intake and SLE Risk — Lupus Trust UK

Study Finds No Causal Link Between Alcohol Intake and SLE Risk

Alcohol intake does not affect the risk of developing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), according to a study. The results contradict previous reports about the protective effects of alcohol against SLE.

The study, “Alcohol intake and risk of systemic lupus erythematosus: a Mendelian randomization study,” was published in Lupus.

An environmental factor possibly associated with SLE is alcohol consumption. Previous studies have found that drinking alcohol had protective effects against SLE. However, it is possible that the studies were biased or that they indicated a relationship and not a causal effect.

To determine the causal effect of alcohol intake on SLE risk, the researchers used a genetic approach that measures variation in genes of known variance — commonly used to determine causality.

For the full study please click here.