At New Year people traditionally make resolutions, usually what they’re going to start or give up. Here’s some suggestions of things that can cause us (and our health) harm and might be worth considering trying to give up.
New Year Resolutions, friend or foe?
As New Year approaches people are thinking of making resolutions. Personally I never bother, if I want to change something I do it no matter what time of year it is, especially if I think it will benefit my health. Also you make a resolution and don’t follow it through you might feel you’ve ‘failed’ which isn’t a good thing. Studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.
However, if you’re absolutely committed to New Year resolutions you should consider in advance which you might be able to achieve and avoid those which you know will be doomed to failure from the start.
How to 'Hygge'
Sleeping in the heat
We’re just not used to hot weather in the UK so when we get a sudden heatwave our body struggles to cope with it, especially sleeping. In countries that have more heat than we do they have air conditioning but it would be used so rarely here that the vast majority of us don’t have it. So what can we do to help us sleep in the hot weather?
Christmas gift ideas
Coping with Christmas
Some things that might trigger a flare: divorce, bereavement, virus and Christmas!! Yes Christmas, a wonderful but potentially very stressful time of year.
Lupus is unpredictable and can interfere with our lives, stopping us doing everything that we want to and that includes participating in Christmas celebrations.
So let’s look at a few Christmas hacks so you can participate in Christmas!